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Gerichte im Villa Medici Pinseria & Foodtruck

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio at Villa Medici as great.
  • Arancini with Pulpo

    - sensationally good and a must-try according to a visitor.
  • Pinsa with Polpette

    - described as just delicious by a user.
  • - super tasty, crispy, juicy, and delicious - no comparison with a pizza, noted by a frequent food truck visitor.
  • Pizza from the Food Truck

    - prepared and baked with fresh ingredients and served hot, it's considered as the best pinsa and pizza ever.
  • Selected Wine Accompaniment

    - perfect for a romantic Valentine's Day dinner, as per one of the reviews.