Varna Palæet

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Ignoriert andere Lokale und entdeckt die dänische und skandinavische Speisekarte in diesem Restaurant. Ihr dürft auf gar keinen Fall gehen, ohne schmackhafte Meerbrasse, perfekt zubereitene Folar und gut zubereitete Brühe genossen zu haben. Dieses Lokal ist bekannt für guten Wein. Viele Leute bemerken, dass man besonders gute Limonade in Varna Palæet kosten kann.

Die großartige Lage dieses Ortes macht es leicht, das Lokal mit jedem Transport zu erreichen. Stellt euch eine Kombination von dem großartigen Essen und dem kompetenten Personal vor, denn das ist genau das, was dieses Lokal euch bietet. Etliche Bewerter haben bemerkt, dass die Bedienung schnell ist. Ihr werdet sicherlich diese heimelige Atmosphäre schätzen. Google bewertet (ihn, sie, sie, es) mit 4.4 Sternen, also könnt ihr dieses Restaurant wählen, um hier eine gute Zeit zu verbringen.

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Varna Palæet is undoubtedly a culinary mecca that creates an unparalleled experience for its guests. From the moment you enter this majestic palace, you are greeted with an atmosphere of luxury and refinement. Food: Every bite at Varna Palæet is a culinary symphony that dances on the taste buds. From delicate starters to sumptuous mains and refreshing desserts, every meal is a celebration of gastronomic excellence. Fresh ingredients and creativity are fused with craftsmanship and precision to create dishes that are a real pleasure for both the eye and the palate. Service: Service at Varna Palæet is nothing short of impeccable. The staff are attentive, friendly and always ready to meet any request with a smile. From the welcome drink to the farewell compliments, guests' needs are prioritized with exceptional professionalism and heart-warming hospitality. Experience: Eating at Varna Palæet is not just a meal; it is an unforgettable experience. The sumptuous interior, the subtle lighting and the beautiful view create the perfect setting for an unforgettable Easter lunch. Every detail is carefully thought through to ensure guests leave with a smile on their face and memories to last a lifetime. Overall impression: Varna Palæet manages to raise the standard for fine dining and create an oasis of gastronomic delight. With exceptional food, unparalleled service and an unforgettable atmosphere, this is the place where dreams of culinary perfection come true. A five-star experience throughout. Food: 5 Service: 5 Atmosphere: 5
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The food was not worth DKK 450 per person, We had ordered brunch for DKK 450 per person, so I might have expected a slightly better level of food and quality. It wasn't bad, but I think maybe they are living a little high on the hype and the exclusiveness of only offering it once a month to guests coming from outside. Food: 3 Service: 3 Atmosphere: 4
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Price per person: kr 1,000+ Food: 5 Service: 5 Atmosphere: 5
Dänisch, Europäisch, Skandinavisch
GeschlossenÖffnet um 10:00
Preisspanne pro Person DKK 170 - DKK 350
Varna Palæet auf Karte
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Ørneredevej 3
Aarhus, Region Midtjylland, Dänemark
Ørneredevej 3, Aarhus, Region Midtjylland, Dänemark
Kreditkarten akzeptiert Keine Lieferung Sitzplätze im Freien Kein Mitnehmen Buchung Barrierefrei Parken TV
MontagMo 10:00-15:00
DienstagDi 10:00-15:00
MittwochMi 10:00-15:00
DonnerstagDo 10:00-15:00
FreitagFri 10:00-15:00
SamstagSa 10:00-15:00
SonntagSo 10:00-15:00

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