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Gerichte im Trattoria da Fagiolino

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors have mixed reviews about the price. Some find it too expensive, while others believe it's in line with the quality. However, many agree that the quality of food is excellent.
  • Traditional Tuscan Dishes

    - these dishes are highly recommended by many visitors for their authenticity and triumph of flavors.
  • Exceptional Kid

    - this dish is noted for its high quality despite the simplicity of its preparation.
  • Crostone with Sautéed Mushrooms and Tuscan Liver Pâté

    - this appetizer is praised for its delicious combination of flavors.
  • Tagliolini ai Funghi

    - the mushroom tagliolini is highly recommended by a visitor for its excellent taste.
  • Filetto con Purè di Mele

    - this unique dish, a steak with apple puree, is only available at this restaurant.
  • Risotto ai Funghi Porcini

    - the porcini mushroom risotto is highly praised for its great taste.
  • Gnocchetto ai Funghi e Pepolino

    - this mushroom and thyme gnocchi is on par with the grilled steak, according to one visitor.
  • Tagliata di Funghi Porcini

    - this sliced porcini mushroom dish is said to be sublime.
  • Vegetarian options

    - the restaurant offers a good variety of vegetarian dishes.

Gerichte und Getränke in Trattoria da Fagiolino


likör kräuterlikör wein hauswein limonade wüstenwein marsala-Wein chianti-Wein sherry sherry prosecco kaffee michelada sangiovese moscato vietnamesischer Eistee bier absinth pastis


kacamak pasta antipasti käse polenta risotto geflügel tischservice terrine gnocchi fleisch ricotta mozzarella pastete rigatoni fatteh prosciutto schweinefleisch pilze krustade tagliatelle carpaccio hackepeter tortellini pappardelle ragout meeresfrüchte hähnchen fisch seeteufel tagliata di Manzo gorgonzola pollo Cacciatore mote causa crostini salsa mezze ravioli suppe brühe focaccia scaloppini salate jakobsmuscheln parmesankäse rindfleisch parmigiana ossobuco carne-de-sol crostata steaks krapfen kaninchen ente amerikanisches Filet vada hühnersuppe melanzane parmigiana rinderfilet pasty


käsekuchen kuchen gelato eis millefoglie mousse bisquits cantuccini galletti gebäck affogato