
Tradition Julen Hotel Speisekarte

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Gerichte im Tradition Julen Hotel

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, the price/quality ratio for this restaurant is considered high but on par with what you would expect in Switzerland. Some users found the restaurant prices too high, however, most agreed that the quality of the food justified the cost.
  • Traditional Braised Lamb Chops

    - the lamb is described as super tender and completely free of any gamey taste. It comes with a delicious potato tower and costs around 65 Euros. Definitely worth trying!
  • - the cheese fondue at this restaurant is highly recommended. It has been praised for surpassing other fondue places.
  • Black Faced (Valais) Sheep Dishes

    - these dishes are the highlight of the restaurant. They are unique and definitely worth trying.
  • Beef Dishes

    - the quality of the beef dishes is highly praised.
  • - the breakfast at Hotel Julen is described as "over the top great" with an incredible selection of food options, freshly baked breads, and air-dried meats.
  • - the wine selection at the restaurant is described as incredible.
  • Dessert Buffet

    - the dessert buffet was noted as the best, making it a must-try for those with a sweet tooth.
  • Teas with Cakes

    - a delightful combination that was praised by a reviewer.
  • - these dishes were highlighted by a Japanese reviewer, who found the meat to be tender and delicious.