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Andrij Steblovskij Entfernen von Inhalten anfordern
Closed! When it says that it is open.
vor 11 Monate
Good evening, due to the situation, we had to work until 8:00 p.m We are waiting for you from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.mGood evening, due to the situation, we had to work until 8:00 p.m We are waiting for you from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.mMore
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Виктор Тарковский Entfernen von Inhalten anfordern
All is well. Pizza is very tasty.
vor 2 Jahre
Viktor, the opinion of our guests is very important to us! Thank youViktor, the opinion of our guests is very important to us! Thank youMore
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Сергей Токарь Entfernen von Inhalten anfordern
The best bakery in town! Tasty, cozy, atmospheric!
vor 2 Jahre
Thank you! We are very pleased that you like our bakery. Thank you! We are very pleased that you like our bakery. More
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GeschlossenÖffnet um 06:00
Prokofieva St, 40000
Sumy, Ukraine
Prokofieva St, Sumy, Ukraine, 40000
Kreditkarten akzeptiert Wegbringen Nicht für Rollstuhlfahrer zugänglich
MontagMo 06:00-20:00
DienstagDi 06:00-20:00
MittwochMi 06:00-20:00
DonnerstagDo 06:00-20:00
FreitagFri 06:00-20:00
SamstagSa 06:00-20:00
SonntagSo 06:00-20:00

Leckere Gerichte in Sumy

Restauranteigenschaften in Sumy

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