
,,Старобарски Кутак"

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Old Fortress, Stari Bar ist was ihr nach dem Essen in diesem Restaurant sehen solltet. In ,,Старобарски Кутак" können Gäste perfekt zubereitene Meeresfrüchte probieren. Viele Bewerter merken an, dass das Personal hier gutgelaunt ist. Ihr werdet mit der ausgefallenen Bedienung zufrieden sein. Die vernünftigen Preise können die Besucher dieses Ortes nicht besonders freuen. Ihr werdet definitiv diese schöne Atmosphäre genießen. Aber dieses Lokal wurde von Google unterdurchschnittlich bewertet.

Ratings von ,,Старобарски Кутак"

Meinungen der Gäste von ,,Старобарски Кутак"

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Dienst vorübergehend nicht verfügbar Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut.
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Although the facility was closed on the way back from the fortress, we were met by three rascals, or rather drug addict scum who introduced themselves as employees of this restaurant and forcibly extorted money from us for parking on the street in front of the facility. The case was reported to the police and the inspectorate! All tourists are advised to be careful because we learned from the locals that these thieves are also lurking in the surrounding parking lots and stealing money in the same way.
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The workers from the store collect money for parking where payment is not marked. Shame on the bar owner Service: 1 Atmosphere: 1
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I can't say anything about the establishment itself. So, when we pulled up to the parking lot, they began to extort 2€ from us. Boh with them with two euros. If the parking attendant had behaved adequately and the price tag for parking had been much higher, I would have paid anyway. Having tried to find out the authenticity of this demand, I only came across outright aggression. And even after receiving the money, the parking attendant ran for some kind of black board and threatened me with violence. I can't say anything about the establishment itself. So, when we pulled up to the parking lot, they began to extort 2€ from us. Boh with them with two euros. If the parking attendant had behaved adequately and the price tag for parking had been much higher, I would have paid anyway. Having tried to find out the authenticity of this demand, I only came across outright aggression. And even after receiving the money, the parking attendant ran for some kind of black board and threatened me with violence. Service: 1
Jetzt geöffnet 07:00 - 23:00
,,Старобарски Кутак" auf Karte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
19 Januar
Stari Bar, Bar, Montenegro
19 Januar, Stari Bar, Bar, Montenegro
Lieferung Sitzplätze im Freien Wegbringen Buchung Barrierefrei
MontagMo 07:00-23:00
DienstagDi 07:00-23:00
MittwochMi 07:00-23:00
DonnerstagDo 07:00-23:00
FreitagFri 07:00-23:00
SamstagSa 07:00-23:00
SonntagSo 07:00-23:00

Leckere Gerichte in Stari Bar

Restauranteigenschaften in Stari Bar

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