
Gasthof zur Kapelle Speisekarte

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Gerichte im Gasthof zur Kapelle

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
  • Fillet from the Hot Stone

    - this dish is highly praised for its delicious taste. It seems to be a favorite among guests.
  • Zurich-style pork slices with rösti

    - another popular dish, it's recommended for its generous portion sizes and the prices match the quality.
  • - many reviewers found this dish very tasty, with one mentioning that it was served hot and in large portions.
  • Schnitzel “Cafe de Paris”

    - this dish is also mentioned as being very good, making it worth trying.
  • Kalbsleberli with Rösti

    - although the rösti was not a hit, the kalbsleberli was appreciated.
  • Kalbs Cordon Bleu

    - this dish was well-received, particularly for being generously filled.
  • - the salad was noted for being good and fresh, so it could be a nice addition to your meal.