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I went to Poorboys Orchards. I ordered a toasted ham and double cheese which was R28.90. At first the lady was coughing in her hand and then took the bread with her bare hand. She made the toasted sandwich and was finished after about 25 minutes!  When I came to the office I had a toasted polony and only half of the bread was covered with cheese and polony. Thank you Orchards Poorboys. You will never ever see me again. The shop look filthy and the service is pathetic!!!! Hanging on the counter like a fly.
Kann dauerhaft geschlossen sein
€€€ Preisspanne pro Person ZAR 140
Poorboys auf Karte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Orchards Shop, Garden Road
Akasia, Gauteng, Südafrika
Orchards Shop, Garden Road, Akasia, Gauteng, Südafrika
Kreditkarten akzeptiert Sitzplätze im Freien Wegbringen
MontagMo 06:00-22:00
DienstagDi 06:00-22:00
MittwochMi 06:00-22:00
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FreitagFri 06:00-22:00
SamstagSa 06:00-22:00
SonntagSo 06:00-22:00

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