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Gerichte im Pasticceria Caffetteria Vinti

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is considered adequate by the visitors, with some believing that the prices are a little low for the level of quality, while others find them slightly high.
  • Vinti Peaches

    - these are the star attraction of the restaurant, famous for their explosion of flavors. They are available in a variety of fillings, including classic, pistachio, mango, and salted caramel.
  • Thick Peach

    - a unique dessert that doesn't crumble when bitten and has a relaxing texture.
  • Top Croissants

    - these are part of the excellent breakfast menu and are highly recommended by visitors.
  • Savory Peaches

    - an unusual but delicious choice for those who prefer savory over sweet.
  • Homemade Ice Cream

    - this restaurant offers fresh and very good homemade ice cream. It's a must-try for ice cream lovers.
  • - the brioche, especially when filled, is also worth trying at this restaurant.