
MoMà Exclusive Beach

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Santuario di San Pietro in Bevagna ist eine große Attraktion für Touristen, die nach langen Spaziergängen in diese Bar zum Essen gehen. Gemäß der Besuchermeinungen bieten die Kellner hier guten Che. Euch wird besonders guter Kräuterlikör angeboten. MoMà Exclusive Beach hat schmackhaften Kaffee unter seinen Getränken. Gäste mögen Kacamak an diesem Ort nicht.

Ihr werdet warme Erinnerungen haben, weil dieses Lokal für den großartigen Service und das freundliche und hilfsbereite Personal bekannt ist. Die erschwinglichen Preise sind das was ihr für euer Essen bezahlen werdet. Aber viele Google-Benutzer haben dieser Bar keine besonders gute Bewertung gegeben.

Am besten in der Stadt Diese Auszeichnung basiert auf der Analyse mehrerer Faktoren wie Bewertungen, Ratings und Nutzer-Engagement Trends auf Restaurant Guru.

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Sunbeds not spaced far apart, long waits for food. The price is a little high considering the quality of the services offered...only the name is exclusive.
vor 5 Monate
Hi Vincenzo, we are not sure if your feedback refers to us as the facility is closed
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I returned to San Pietro in Bevagna after many years.... what can I say... beautiful place, very beautiful beach, even in the choice of music (luckily I didn't hear disco paradise once ), wonderful sea, very friendly staff friendly, excellent food, more than adequate prices.
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Nice clean location with helpful staff Sea among the best in Italy. Entertainment! What to improve. High and in some cases irrational prices. I paid €2.50 for an ice coffee, where the coffee cost €1.20 and the ice €1.30 more than the coffee. Perhaps it was miraculous, but it didn't seem miraculous to me! Showers are indeed hot but from €1.50. There are no fountains to remove the sand from your feet. Non-existent changing rooms, you change in the bathrooms. I believe that the management is inexperienced, tourism is a serious thing and it is not said and it is not said that in the long run, paradises are always winners if poorly managed I don't know if I would go back, I asked myself this while I was on the way home.
vor 9 Monate
Hi Roberto, thank you for choosing us. Unfortunately, in the summer, finding ice is a big problem, as is shower water which needs to be purified against bacteria, which entails considerable costs. …Hi Roberto, thank you for choosing us. Unfortunately, in the summer, finding ice is a big problem, as is shower water which needs to be purified against bacteria, which entails considerable costs. When you want we will be here, we are waiting for you again. Greetings.More
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Jetzt geöffnet 09:00 - 19:00
MoMà Exclusive Beach auf Karte
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Via del Rovi
San Pietro In Bevagna, Apulien, Italien
Via del Rovi, San Pietro In Bevagna, Apulien, Italien
MontagMo 09:00-19:00
DienstagDi 09:00-19:00
MittwochMi 09:00-19:00
DonnerstagDo 09:00-19:00
FreitagFri 09:00-19:00
SamstagSa 09:00-19:00
SonntagSo 09:00-19:00

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