
Meris Fish Market Soc. Consortile Arl

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Eine Menge Besucher weisen darauf hin, dass die Kellner hier gut zubereiteten Fisch servieren. Aber google-Nutzer haben Meris Fish Market Soc. Consortile Arl keine hohe Bewertung gegeben.

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/ 18
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Fish market perhaps the only one in Calabria. Auctions are held internally for the fish, which is supplied by a rich fleet of fishing boats present in the port of Corigliano. It is a large structure that could certainly provide more but in my opinion it is a bit poorly managed considering the services it offers to customers and everything outside is degraded due to the fault of those who work there who throw rubbish everywhere.
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Wholesale fish market. About 40 fishing boats bring fish from the Ionian Sea to this market which is the only fish market in Calabria. The sale of fish follows the rules of the auction. From here, the fish even reaches Japan.
vor 2 Jahre
Thank you so much... For your review. We are at your complete disposal for any information. With transparency and courtesyThank you so much... For your review. We are at your complete disposal for any information. With transparency and courtesyMore
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Wholesale seafood market. Some of the fish is caught by local fishermen, some is imported. The large room is for auctions, and the small shops are for sales. Unfortunately, over the years the market has declined, there are fewer and fewer open shops, the premises, the road, and the infrastructure require repairs. But the root of the problem affects all features of the development of the city as a whole.
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