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Gerichte im Kleinhuis Hotel Mellingburger Schleuse

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio as reasonable, with something for everyone. However, some found the breakfast slightly expensive.
  • Breakfast Buffet

    - reviewers consistently praised the breakfast, noting its richness and variety. The buffet is well-maintained and appetizingly prepared. However, some found it a bit pricey.
  • Terrace Dishes

    - the dishes served on the terrace are plentiful and come highly recommended. The staff serving this area were praised for their friendliness and attentiveness.
  • Coffee and Cake

    - a simple yet satisfying option for a light snack or dessert. While not outstanding, the coffee and cake were noted to be okay.
  • - guests were generally satisfied with the dinner options, finding them tasty. However, one reviewer noted that the dessert did not meet their expectations.
  • Drinks

    - the drinks at the restaurant were described as 'great' and 'above average', making them worth trying.