
MD S.p.A.

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Guter Kräuterlikör ist die beliebtesten Getränke in MD S. P. A.. Stellt euch eine Kombination von dem schmackhaften Essen und dem großartigen Personal vor, denn das ist genau das, was dieser Ort euch bietet. Google-Nutzer, die dieses Lokal besucht haben, sagen, dass die am besten geeignete Bewertung bei 4 liegt.

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/ 72
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I have been a customer of this MD location for years now.. Here on Domiziana.. And I must say that I have always purchased above and beyond the products and prices here in this location in particular precisely because of the kindness and professionalism of the cashiers, in short, shelving staff. the all-round MDs are dynamic, always smiling but above all they make you feel at home, it doesn't feel like you're walking into a cold supermarket, they always welcome you with joy, they're cheerful, in short, if they weren't there I wouldn't go in to buy anymore. There are some of them that stand out more than others for me and they are Luisa granata. Doriana Cangiano, Mariaelena Laudiero, Clara Morrone. Maria Coscione, followed by Elisa. Thank you girls for your work.
vor 6 Monate
Hi Antonella, We are happy to hear that you are so satisfied and thank you for these compliments! Best regards.Hi Antonella, We are happy to hear that you are so satisfied and thank you for these compliments! Best regards.More
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I was in the supermarket yesterday, terrible experience with a blonde cashier in her 50s. She doesn't know how to do her job, the shopping cost €6.85, I gave her €22.05 so I had to have €15.20 in change. She not only gave me €2 less, therefore €13, convinced that I had given her €20, plus she made me wait half an hour to close the checkout and verify the error. The result was that she already had €3 less and therefore she didn't give me back the €2 change I should have had, + the €2 she was supposed to give me back, she ended up with €5 less in the cash fund. There may be a mistake, but to make my money another €3 less, it means that the lady has to repeat how the role of cashier is carried out.
vor 7 Monate
Good morning Marco, Thank you for posting this feedback, we will do our best to improve our service. Best regards.Good morning Marco, Thank you for posting this feedback, we will do our best to improve our service. Best regards.More
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A beautiful supermarket, well managed by the operators who are all very kind! Always fresh and quality products, especially in the butcher shop! Vivo better organic products! What about a large supermarket! Great
vor ein Jahr
Hi Lina, Thanks for your comment. It is our goal to make you satisfied. Best regards.Hi Lina, Thanks for your comment. It is our goal to make you satisfied. Best regards.More
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Jetzt geöffnet 08:30 - 20:30
MD S.p.A. auf Karte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Km 37.850, Via Domiziana
Castel Volturno, Kampanien, Italien
Km 37.850, Via Domiziana, Castel Volturno, Kampanien, Italien
Kreditkarten akzeptiert Keine Lieferung Barrierefrei
MontagMo 08:30-20:30
DienstagDi 08:30-20:30
MittwochMi 08:30-20:30
DonnerstagDo 08:30-20:30
FreitagFri 08:30-20:30
SamstagSa 08:30-21:00
SonntagSo 08:00-13:30

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