
Lo Tatà Speisekarte

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Gerichte im Lo Tatà

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio as good for this restaurant, considering its level and location. Some find it a bit expensive, but agree that the quality of the food justifies the price.
  • - several reviews mention the high quality of the pizza, with one user stating it's the best they've ever had.
  • Aubergine Ravioli and Blueberry Tagliatelle with Venison

    - these unique pasta dishes come highly recommended for their authentic taste.
  • - this classic Italian dessert is praised for its delicious flavor.
  • Coccoli

    - an antipasti dish that received special mention for being simply delicious.
  • Gnocchetti al Blue d’Aosta and Suprema d’Anatra

    - these dishes were described as exquisite, and are accompanied by a glass of Torrette.
  • Steak Tartar

    - prepared in the restaurant's modern kitchen, this dish was described as very good.
  • Raclette for Two

    - a traditional dish that was described as yummy.
  • Beef Cheek

    - this melt-in-your-mouth dish comes highly recommended.
  • Wild Boar Pasta

    - this dish was so good that one visitor ordered it two nights in a row.
  • Local Wines

    - the restaurant offers a lovely selection of local wines that pair well with the meals.

Gerichte und Getränke in Lo Tatà


che tiramisu parfait eis gelato mousse cantuccini bisquits kuchen crumble panna cotta zabaione brandteigkrapfen gebäck pudding


wein likör kräuterlikör limoncello kaffee schokolade limonade bier hauswein glühwein grappa sherry sherry


pizza fleisch brühe dukkah suppe käse ragout pasta fisch gnocchi seeteufel antipasti salsa ente polenta burger würste hamburger fondue spaghetti spaghetti Carbonara krustade terrine pastete ravioli wild ttalienische Pizza puto geselchte gegrilltes Gemüse tagliatelle sandwiches eintopf salsiccia pilze bagna Càuda ribeye-Steak prosciutto salate schweinefleisch focaccia geflügel kacamak bacon mozzarella raclette steaks tartar gebackene Kartoffeln crostini youtiao hähnchen speck carpaccio amerikanisches Filet rindfleisch mezze calzones entenbrust mote sautiertes Steak gorgonzola eisbein kuchen