
Le Bon Appétit

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Essen im Le Bon Appétit
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Le Bon Appétit Foto
Le Bon Appétit Foto
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Euch werden besonders gute Hamburger serviert. Das gastfreundliche Personal spiegelt den Stil und Charakter von Le Bon Appétit wider. Wie Gäste meinen, gibt es hier eine hübsche Atmosphäre. Dieser Ort hat keine hohe Bewertung von Google-Nutzern erhalten.

Meinungen der Gäste von Le Bon Appétit

/ 97
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Dienst vorübergehend nicht verfügbar Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut.
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Food: 4 Service: 4 Atmosphere: 3
vor 5 Monate
Thank you very much, looking forward to it
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Imagine you open a fast food restaurant and you call it "Le Bon Appétit", it's without a doubt the stupidest name you can find in all of Belgium!!!! Like, you want to go to the chip shop and then you think people will say: “What if we went to Le Bon Appétit?” Like, it’s really too ridiculous, seriously, it’s even too embarrassing in fact! Plus inside it’s pink and black, it’s so kitsch. There’s really nothing wrong with this chip shop! Food: 1 Service: 1 Atmosphere: 1
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To do like many I find it shameful a black radiator with a white valve it's a real shame the food was great but the radiator with the white valve spoiled my dinner sorry
vor 5 Monate
we take good note of this Sir As for many the very few pink and black are quite annoying to eat, we hope that during your next visit you will no longer see this white valve which spoils the view and therefore the meal See you soon we take good note of this Sir As for many the very few pink and black are quite annoying to eat, we hope that during your next visit you will no longer see this white valve which spoils the view and therefore the meal See you soon More
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Le Bon Appétit auf Karte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Rue Emile Baudrux 1
Habay, Wallonische Region, Belgien
Rue Emile Baudrux 1, Habay, Wallonische Region, Belgien
Keine Lieferung Wegbringen Barrierefrei
MontagMo Geschlossen
DienstagDi 11:30-13:30
MittwochMi 11:30-13:30
DonnerstagDo 11:30-13:30
FreitagFri 11:30-13:30
SamstagSa 11:30-13:30
SonntagSo 18:00-21:00

Leckere Gerichte in Habay

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