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Gerichte im Hôtel Restaurant la Maison Blanche

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant seems to be a point of contention. Some reviewers found the prices fair for the quality of food, while others expressed dissatisfaction, particularly with the pizza. Overall, it appears the restaurant has room for improvement in this area.
  • - reviewers consistently praised the salmon pasta, calling it "very good" and "perfect." This dish seems to be a standout favorite among customers.
  • Hot Stone

    - the hot stone comes highly recommended by reviewers. While it's not clear what this dish is, the high praise suggests it's worth trying.
  • Dish of the Day

    - the restaurant's daily special was noted for being "good." It might be a good option for those looking to try something new.
  • - although one reviewer had a poor experience with the steak served with pasta, others found the food to be "excellent" overall. It may be worth giving the steak another chance, perhaps served with fries as originally intended.
  • - while the pizza was criticized for lacking ingredients and tomato sauce, the dough was praised. If the restaurant improves its toppings, this could become a worthwhile option.
  • Drinks

    - reviewers mentioned that the drinks were "delicious" without specifying any particular ones. It would be safe to assume a variety of beverages are well-prepared here.