
Bloemendal Castle Speisekarte

Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen
Zur Vergleichsliste hinzufügen

Gerichte im Bloemendal Castle

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
According to the reviews, the restaurant offers good value for money, with affordable prices for the quality of food and service provided.
  • - reviewers consistently praised the dinner offerings at this restaurant, describing them as delicious with a variety of flavors that exceeded expectations. The chef was commended for their cooking skills.
  • Drinks

    - while there were some issues with billing, the drinks in the restaurant were well-received.
  • Breakfast Buffet

    - despite mixed reviews about the breakfast, the buffet arrangement was appreciated by many visitors.
  • Lunch Menu

    - although some found the lunch options limited, the quality of the food was not criticized.

Gerichte und Getränke in Bloemendal Castle


parfait halo-Halo mousse


kaffee wein tee champagner chardonnay schokolade prosecco


dukkah kama op la geflügel puto gat fleisch schweinefleisch fisch carpaccio suppe bentō ente amerikanisches Filet steaks filetsteak pasta kalbfleisch brühe rindfleisch lamm lammrücken salate bissara rechta