
Isalvo Sas

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Die Köche hier bereiten gut zubereitete Pizza zu.

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Unternehmen bestehend aus außergewöhnlichen, respektablen, respektvollen und präzisen Menschen. Die Qualität ihrer Produkte ist sehr hoch und es ist schwer zu erkennen, dass das Produkt einen gefrorenen Ursprung hat. Wenn Sie die echte neapolitanische Pizza essen möchten, die nur aus frischen Produkten besteht, müssen Sie ihre nehmen.
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Very happy to have the Salvo Family as our Partner! Thank you very much for the hard work and dedication to our Project in the austrian supermarkets!
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Thanks again to I salvo for giving Us the opportunity to disclose this amazing product in United Kingdom. Thanks again from: Lombardi's Manchester All Our Pizzas are imported from Naples Italy, all single of them, are handmade and chill blasted.. from iSalvo historical family, that has been carrying on, the tradition of Neapolitan pizza for several decades, definitely artists of the sector in absolute, second to none.. it might look like a frozen pizza, but it's far from it. The blast chilling method guarantees that all the organoleptic substance and perfumes as well, can remain inside the product, also the accuracy chosen by Mr Girolamo in the quality of every single ingredient make the difference. Thanks to iSalvo again of which we are the only distributors in Manchester and surrounding area. You are all welcome, come and taste the splendid iSalvo Pizzas available cooked on, the spot or frozen to be tasted whenever you want.. Honered to show your product to the BBC News..
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Isalvo Sas auf Karte
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Via Larga, 68
Ercolano, Kampanien, Italien
Via Larga, 68, Ercolano, Kampanien, Italien
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SamstagSa 08:00-13:00
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