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Komm in diesem Restaurant mit angenehmer Aussicht auf Castello Estense wird eine schöne Erfahrung für die Besucher sein. Einheimische mögen die italienische Gerichte in Il Don Giovanni Ristorante. Schmeckt perfekt zubereitenen Che an diesem Ort.

Dieses Lokal wird auf Google von seinen Gästen mit 4.2 Sternen bewertet.

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Erico Hberg Entfernen von Inhalten anfordern
They moved over to Palestro. Ancora fantastico. Manifattura Alimentare
mauro mainardi Entfernen von Inhalten anfordern
Sachi Weaver Entfernen von Inhalten anfordern
As a family of foodies/chefs, most of our vacation pictures consist of various delectable delights dangling from forks of dotting lovely plates. We love italy, and have loved the food in every single region we visited!However, being that we are leaving tomorrow to go home we had resigned ourselves to the notion that we wouldn't have time to eat a meal in Il Don Giovanni's area! But luck, it would seem, was with us!! Our plan was to spend our last day in Venice, and eat on the way. The first place was all reserved.... And the second place, Il Don Giovanni's was ALSO all reserved!! I pleaded with the woman, telling her we had driven 45 minutes in the wrong way just to eat with them. Completely true after seeing the Google reviews... She said she had to check with the chef then came back and CREATED a table for us!We later found out that the chef was her husband(comically holding a massive fish with even bigger teeth in one of the Google pics they have posted. A funny, sweet man with some serious chops in the kitchen!) Every single thing we ordered was heaven on a plate From the poached then fried egg which was laying on a bed of greens and a lake of delicious creamy sauce to the pumpkin stuffed tortellini/ravioli type pasta made in house and smothered in a sage butter sauce... Which was so out of this world we literally ordered take away and fully plan on trying to smuggle it home on the plane! Not even kidding!! The Veal cheek was cooked low and slow, so tender u could cut it with a fork, and so unctuous and savory it made ur mouth water just smelling it. The deserts were so phenomenal and creative... do NOT skip them no matter how full u are. u will thank me, no joke. If u are anywhere near this Restaurant do u and ur family a serious favor and make reservations at this place! It will, without question, be a meal that you will think about for the rest of ur life. I promise u.
Preisspanne pro Person €23 - €46
Zum Restaurant navigieren
Corso Ercole I d'Este, 1
Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italien
Corso Ercole I d'Este, 1, Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italien
Sitzplätze im Freien Buchung Keine Lieferung
MontagMo Geschlossen
DienstagDi 12:30-14:30
MittwochMi 12:30-14:30
DonnerstagDo 12:30-14:30
FreitagFri 12:30-14:30
SamstagSa 12:30-14:30
SonntagSo 12:30-14:30

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