
Het Muzieklokaal

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Falls der Regen euch beim Spazieren in der Nähe von Weerdsluis überrascht hat, kommt in dieser Bar vorbei. Ihr werdet gute Croissants auf der Speisekarte finden. Schmackhaftes Bier oder besonders guter Wein sind das beste Getränke, die es sich zu bestellen lohnt. Guter Kaffee wird in Het Muzieklokaal serviert.

Live-Musik wird abends von Musikern gespielt. Das vergnügliche Personal spiegelt den Stil und Charakter dieses Ortes wider. Jedes Mal bekommt ihr eine lockere Bedienung. Kunden dieses Lokals meinen, dass sie die Preise hier demokratisch fanden. Die Atmosphäre in diesem Lokal ist lieblich. Durchschnittsbewertung dieser Bar auf Google ist 4.4 Sterne.

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Eine nette Atmosphäre! Die Bedienung war sehr freundlich!
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Gemütliche Kneipe mit außergewöhnlichem Essen, netter Bedienung und Gästen
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Het Muzieklokaal is a music café in Utrecht that I heard about when it opened just over a year ago and finally had the chance to visit. Such a cool idea, it's a normal enough cafe but then with a grand piano in the middle. Why? Because they regularly have performances here by musicians and ensembles! I came on Sunday, where their regularly scheduled classical music hour happens from 16.00 to 17.00. My excuse for coming was that an old friend of mine was playing, but I was also curious to see the café. It was very busy but the waitstaff quickly came and took my order at my table. It took a while for my coffee to arrive but it was fine. A little before 16.00 the musicians appeared and started to tune their instruments. When they were ready to play the proprietor whistled to get everyone's attention and introduced the artists. The concert is in principle 2x20 mins with a 20 min pause in between. During the concert everyone stayed silent and listened (or continued to work on their computers) and the staff came around with drink orders for anything except coffee or tea - because the coffee machine makes too much sound to use during the concert! Overall I found the atmosphere really nice. I was really impressed how attentive the audience was, and it's such a nice relaxed and informal atmosphere to experience classical music in. Families came with their small children so they could look at the instruments close up, university students took a break from writing papers to listen to Bach, and there were quite a few people who came specifically for the concert. They have all sorts of concerts and activities so I highly recommend checking out the agenda on their website. But if you love music, coffee, and cocktails, then this is your place!!!!!
Foto von Yelp
Foto von Yelp
Foto von Yelp
Weinbar, Vegetarische Optionen
GeschlossenÖffnet um 12:00
€€ Preisspanne pro Person €9 - €22
Het Muzieklokaal auf Karte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Bemuurde Weerd Oostzijde 13
Utrecht, Niederlande
Bemuurde Weerd Oostzijde 13, Utrecht, Niederlande
W-lan Buchung Kreditkarten akzeptiert Keine Lieferung Barrierefrei
MontagMo Geschlossen
DienstagDi 12:00-23:00
MittwochMi 12:00-23:00
DonnerstagDo 12:00-00:00
FreitagFri 12:00-00:00
SamstagSa 12:00-00:00
SonntagSo 12:00-22:00

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