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Gerichte im Harry´s Seafood and Grill Restaurant

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as affordable, fair, reasonable, and agreeable. The quality of food is great for the price.
  • - customers love the taste and structure of the meat.
  • - many reviewers mention this dish as being particularly delicious and crispy.
  • - reviewers note that it's very fresh and good.
  • Lamb Fillet

    - this dish is noted as being cooked and seasoned to satisfaction.
  • Grilled Salmon

    - the salmon is consistently mentioned as being outstanding and delicious.
  • - these are perfectly cooked according to one reviewer.
  • - satisfactory according to multiple reviewers.
  • Chef's Specials

    - although not specified, these were noted as wonderful.
  • Lamb Chops

    - one user had this for the main course and found it absolutely delicious.
  • - this dessert was mentioned as being absolutely delicious and a perfect companion to the lamb chops.
  • Beef Fillet with Red Wine Reduction

    - part of a three-course meal, this was fried to perfection.
  • Meat Spring Rolls

    - one customer enjoyed these, along with the lamb fillet.
  • - this was shared and noted as the best one customer had ever had.
  • Homemade Cheesecake with Ice Cream

    - this dessert was noted as probably the best one customer had in recent memory.
  • Tempura Fish

    - this was the best one customer had ever had.
  • - part of the chef's pick, this was chosen by one customer and their friend.
  • - this was chosen as part of the chef's pick and enjoyed by one customer.
  • - noted as excellent by one customer on their Iceland trip.