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Nach einem langen Spaziergang um Mahkama du Pacha, kommt in dieses Restaurant und ruht euch hier aus. Genießt die internationale Küche in Gapi Villa. Traut euch, schmackhafte Salate hier zu bestellen wenn ihr in der Nähe seid. Das Kennzeichen dieses Ortes sind gut zubereitetes Parfait. Besonders guter Kaffee ist die beliebtesten Getränke in diesem Lokal.

Sachkundiges Personal begrüßt Besucher das ganze Jahr über. Findet heraus wie prompt die Bedienung hier ist. In diesem Restaurant können Leute ein stilles Ambiente und ein nettes Dekor genießen. Die Google-Bewertung von Gapi Villa beträgt 4 Sterne.

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Quiet place, excellent staff For desserts that taste delicious and will be repeated again For a very, very ordinary cappuccino, I recommend ordering other varieties The seating is generally good. The seats are comfortable Prices are reasonable for Casablanca as tourism My visit is tourist and I am not a resident of the city Greetings to the residents of Casablanca Service: Dine in Meal type: Other Food: 4 Service: 5 Atmosphere: 4
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Good very good, even better the Asian restaurant sharing the entrance, great Asian cuisine and very friendly staff, not to be missed Service: Dine in Meal type: Dinner Price per person: MAD 150–200
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Gapi Villa was very nice stylish I felt I was back home in Los Angeles. However the customers gave a look at me when I first walked in being a Black man. Then we saw the Black server and were confused about this look from the patrons. The food is very good service is nice. Maybe the rich people who go here are stuck up. There's not used to seeing Blacks from Compton in Morocco. Ha ha ha. The food is really good and design of the place is excellent nice place for a date.
Jetzt geöffnet 08:00 - 01:00
Preisspanne pro Person MAD 250 - MAD 490
GAPI VILLA auf Karte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
86, Boulevard Moulay Rachid (ex, Bd Franklin Roosevelt
Casablanca, Grand Casablanca, Marokko
86, Boulevard Moulay Rachid (ex, Bd Franklin Roosevelt, Casablanca, Grand Casablanca, Marokko
Sitzplätze im Freien W-lan Buchung Kreditkarten akzeptiert Lieferung Wegbringen Barrierefrei
MontagMo 08:00-01:00
DienstagDi 08:00-01:00
MittwochMi 08:00-01:00
DonnerstagDo 08:00-01:00
FreitagFri 08:00-01:00
SamstagSa 08:00-01:00
SonntagSo 08:00-01:00

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