
Evordes Country Club

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Restaurant in Bardonnex
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Meinungen der Gäste von Evordes Country Club

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Schöner Grenzstein nähe Haus.Habe aber leider kein Restaurant gefunden.
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Lieu sympathique et simple 0uvert le mercredi, samedi et dimanche
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Expensive for what you get, no customer service & lacking in hospitality I would first like to day that this restaurant is apparently not run by the magnificant Manège that is Evordes. It is run independently. ....7 Swiss francs for 4 salad leaves & half a tomato? Had to add my own sauce (ok – that’s normal). Had to ask for & then wait for, a thin slice of bread. My daughter already had her hot meal & had taken it outside. It was never suggested that I go outside with her to wait…. We were being served by the person who is the manager I think ? (long, blond [probably extensions] hair)?When a kind lady, who was just helping for the day, asked the ‘manager’ if we were served – she said – “they don’t know what they want”. This was in fact not true. We wanted to know what options there were to drink. I wanted a hot tea to settle my stomach. I could see packets against the wall, but could not see what they were… Finally the ‘manager’ just put the box in front of me  Classy Act !!!She really could not have given a da*m.No customer skills, not service orientated (no menu, list of prices etc etc) Any basic, necessary questions we asked were ‘annoying’. ‘How much?’ ‘Do you have?’ … etcI understand from the kind lady that she had just taken the café over. …. Might need to made more effort then would be my reply !A joke. Whilst the set- menu lunch was nice. It was very expensive – 20frs for a very small plastic picnic plate. Whilst ‘salad’ had been advertised with the meal (no veggies), it eventually came with ½ a tomato…. We were early, so it could not have been sold out ! And we could see a bowl full of salad in the kitchen…Would heartily recommend anyone not to go here.
€€ Preisspanne pro Person CHF 9 - CHF 22
Chem. des Forches 46
Bardonnex, Genf, Schweiz
Chem. des Forches 46, Bardonnex, Genf, Schweiz
MontagMo Geschlossen
DienstagDi 10:00-19:00
MittwochMi 10:00-19:00
DonnerstagDo 10:00-23:45
FreitagFri 10:00-23:45
SamstagSa 10:00-23:45
SonntagSo 10:00-17:00

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