
Dinastia Speisekarte

Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen
Zur Vergleichsliste hinzufügen

Gerichte im Dinastia

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated as excellent. However, some customers were not satisfied with the quality of the food and service, mentioning that the menu has changed and the quality has decreased. Some also complained about slow service and the absence of ice in cocktails.
  • - the sushi is considered the best in the city of Lugansk, with a pleasant atmosphere accompanying the dining experience.
  • Italian Cuisine

    - the restaurant's Italian cuisine is highly recommended for its well-cooked and tastefully presented dishes.
  • Meat Dishes

    - the meat dishes, in particular, have received positive reviews for their taste.
  • - the seafood is also worth trying based on the reviews.
  • Akinava Salad

    - this salad comes with a Relish sauce, but be aware that it may sometimes be served with a nut sauce instead.
  • Sushi on a Boat

    - the presentation of this dish is particularly impressive and it is also very tasty.
  • - the salads are also noted to be very tasty.