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Gerichte im China-Restaurant Kowloon

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is generally regarded as fantastic and impressive, although some reviews mentioned higher than expected prices. Despite this, the food is often described as super tasty, generous in portion, and affordable.
  • - homemade and simply wonderful, a must-try appetizer.
  • Wantun

    - another homemade delight that is highly recommended.
  • Soda Lemon

    - the best soda lemon, according to one review.
  • 3 Meat Fried Rice

    - described as the best fried rice ever tasted.
  • Chicken with Sweet and Sour Sauce

    - a generous, inexpensive, and very good dish.
  • - complimented for their taste.
  • - very crispy, little fat, and well-fried.
  • Noodles with Shrimp

    - an interesting option to try.
  • - highly recommended by customers.
  • Hong Kong Store Fried Rice

    - paired with sweet and sour pork, it didn't disappoint.
  • - a satisfying start to a meal.