
Casa Miorița

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Gerichte im Casa Miorița
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Wenn ihr die italienische und rumänische Küche nie probiert habt, dieses Restaurant ist eure Chance! Das leckerste Gericht ist besonders gute Suppe. Gemäß der Bewertermeinungen ist Käsekuchen gut zubereitet. Kunden besuchen Casa Miorița, um gutes Ale zu bestellen.

Die Atmosphäre der Gastfreundschaft an diesem Ort hängt stark von dem Personal ab, das hier recht geduldig ist. Jedes Mal bemerkt ihr eine nette Bedienung. Die stille Atmosphäre wurde von den Gästen hervorgehoben. Google-Nutzer, die dieses Lokal besucht haben, sagen, dass die am besten geeignete Bewertung bei 4.5 liegt.

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Meinungen der Gäste von Casa Miorița

/ 119
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Probably the good reviews are for the restaurant. The rooms are at least 20 years old, with a creaking wooden door in the last hall, the room area is very small, in the bathroom you have a sink the size of your palm and it smells very bad because of the old installation. I do not recommend this to anyone. Rooms: The rooms are from around 1990, not renovated for decades Rooms: 1 Service: 4 Location: 4
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Good food, nice restaurant with a rustic theme, the food came quickly, I ordered a spicy pan and a premium beef burger, the spicy pan very good, the burger well done, juicy with goat cheese if I'm not mistaken, a very interesting combination and tasty, it's not very expensive either, it's really cool, I recommend it! Service: 5 Location: 5
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Maximum disappointment! Unfortunately, Casa Miorita no longer rises to the level at which it was in previous years. The menu differs from the one in winter 2022 and is now a common one, from which the specialties are missing as well as the papanasi or the beef cheeks, although they are heavily advertised on the LED installed at the entrance to the Pension. Many people come in and ask about these things only to leave disappointed. There are no vegetables or salads on the menu and no variety of drinks/wines. Only one, red or white, on bass. Even if the staff tries to maintain the same standard, inside it can be seen that no more investments have been made. The furniture is outdated, in the room where I stayed, a wardrobe barely resisted falling down. There are better options for accommodation or dining in the resort. Rooms: 2 Service: 4 Location: 2
vor 3 Monate
I'm sorry you don't like us anymore.
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Europäisch, Italienisch, Rumänisch
Geplante Öffnungszeiten: 09:00 - 21:00
€€ Preisspanne pro Person RON 46 - RON 110
Casa Miorița auf Karte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Statiunea turistica Straja, parcela 21 Straja, 335600
Lupeni, Eisenmarkt, Rumänien
Statiunea turistica Straja, parcela 21 Straja, Lupeni, Eisenmarkt, Rumänien, 335600
Sitzplätze im Freien W-lan Kreditkarten akzeptiert Keine Lieferung Wegbringen Barrierefrei Buchung
MontagMo 09:00-21:00
DienstagDi 09:00-21:00
MittwochMi 09:00-21:00
DonnerstagDo 09:00-21:00
FreitagFri 09:00-21:00
SamstagSa 09:00-21:00
SonntagSo 09:00-21:00

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