
Cafè Artè

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Hamburger im Cafè Artè
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Knoblauchbrot im Cafè Artè
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Beim Planen eurer Reise achtet auf Chiesa di San Carlo Borromeo und denkt daran, einen Restaurantbesuch einzubeziehen: dieses Cafe ist rechts neben der erwähnten Attraktion. Die italienische Küche wird in Cafè Artè gut gekocht. Dieser Ort bietet euch gut zubereitete Pizza und besonders gute Hamburger zum Probieren. Auf Basis der Besuchermeinungen bieten die Kellner hier guten Che.

Dieses Lokal wird wegen seines vergnüglichen Personals empfohlen.

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Really delish lunch, and in the heart of Noto Sicily. Walking by and the food displayed caught our eye. Fact: tourist traps display their food They offered indoor or outdoor seating on the sidewalk patio with umbrellas. They add known for their pizzolo - a pizza with a crispy crust on top. We ordered waters, cappuccinos, pizzolos, horse meat hamburger. I had the pleasure of trying everything. I did enjoy their signature Mozart pizzolo with corn, prosciutto, cheese, olives. It didnt look like the displayed pizzolo either! The pizzolos are all nice crusty bread and crispy top with grated parmesan cheese making it crispier. I didn't want to support horse meat because I used to ride horses, but the soft juicy lean cut pieces of burger were delicious , the cheese perfect and you would think it's a big Mac..Ha. Must try cavallo when in Sicily. They dont have hotdog buns in Italy so they cut up the hot dogs in a hamburger bun, it's the norm. The beauty outside of cathedrals and churches date back to the baroque era, I was taking it all in. They advertised free WiFi, after checking in on Yelp and uploaded some pics I went over the data limit..lol. The USA takes these wifi things for granted now. The prices were reasonable for tourist spot. I think they add the tip in the bill check accordingly. There was one waitress serving the whole restaurant, so things might take longer.
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Try Pizzolo - a closed thin pizza but not a calzone - delicious!
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Italienisch, Cocktailbar
Geplante Öffnungszeiten: 09:00 - 23:30
€€ Preisspanne pro Person €9 - €23
Zum Restaurant navigieren
Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 104
Noto, Sizilien, Italien
Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 104, Noto, Sizilien, Italien
Sitzplätze im Freien W-lan Buchung Keine Lieferung Wegbringen
MontagMo 09:00-23:30
DienstagDi 09:00-23:30
MittwochMi 09:00-23:30
DonnerstagDo 09:00-23:30
FreitagFri 09:00-23:30
SamstagSa 09:00-23:30
SonntagSo 09:00-23:30

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