
Beach Club - Golden Lakes

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Nehmt an einem der Tische im Beach Club - Golden Lakes Platz
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Es ist immer gut, etwas Neues auszuprobieren und dabei eine gemütliche Atmosphäre zu genießen. Aber diese Bar wurde von Google unterdurchschnittlich bewertet.

Am besten in der Stadt Diese Auszeichnung basiert auf der Analyse mehrerer Faktoren wie Bewertungen, Ratings und Nutzer-Engagement Trends auf Restaurant Guru.

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Ratings von Beach Club - Golden Lakes

Meinungen der Gäste von Beach Club - Golden Lakes

/ 13
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Very pleasant Atmosphere: 5
vor 11 Monate
Looking forward to welcoming you again!
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Very friendly place, very well received Great atmosphere, top service, I don't regret coming, see you soon
vor 11 Monate
Looking forward to welcoming you again!
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Order 2 beers for 9 euros and no toilet for free, 50 cents and only cash could not be paid for with the order by pin. Response to your response. I don't think you fully understand it. That I have to pay 9 euros is fine, but that I also have to pay 50 cents for the toilet... and I could only pay for the toilet in cash. I just paid for the beers with my bank card and there is enough on it, at least 50 cents for a toilet and the beers. I thought it was strange that the 50 cents could only be paid in cash and could not be added to the payment for the beers on the bank card. Not everyone carries cash these days. Price per person: €1–10 Service: 1
vor 11 Monate
Hello Lizette, thank you for your comment which allows us to improve our services. The prices charged in our Beach Club correspond to the location and the quality of service that we offer...in addition, the prices are clearly indicated as …Hello Lizette, thank you for your comment which allows us to improve our services. The prices charged in our Beach Club correspond to the location and the quality of service that we offer...in addition, the prices are clearly indicated as soon as you enter, so I do not understand your astonishment. The toilets are indeed paying in order to make everyone responsible for respecting the other. For payment, we accept all payment methods...as long as there is money on the card, which was obviously not your case...Looking forward to welcoming you again. Bonjour Lizette, for your remercie de votre commentaire qui nous permet d'améliorer our services. The prices of our Beach Club correspondents regarding the location and the quality of the service of our customers...and outside, the prices are determined according to the entrance, and the details of the prices will be taken into account. Les toilettes sont en effet payantes afin de responsabiliser chacun sur le respect de l'autre. Pour le paiement, nous acceptons les modes de paiement...tant qu'il y a de l'argent sur la carte, ce qui n'était manifestement pas votre cas...Au plaisir de vous accueillir à nouveau. Hello Lizette, thank you for your response, which will help us improve our services. The prices charged in our Beach Club correspond to the location and the quality of the service we provide... Moreover, the prices are clearly indicated as soon as you enter, so I don't understand your surprise. The toilets are indeed paying to make everyone responsible for respecting the other. For payment, we accept all payment methods...as long as there is money on the card, which was clearly not your case...Looking forward to welcoming you again.More
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Jetzt geöffnet 12:00 - 19:00
Route de la Plate Taille 51
Froidchapelle, Wallonische Region, Belgien
Route de la Plate Taille 51, Froidchapelle, Wallonische Region, Belgien
Kreditkarten akzeptiert Wegbringen
MontagMo 12:00-19:00
DienstagDi 12:00-19:00
MittwochMi 12:00-19:00
DonnerstagDo 12:00-19:00
FreitagFri 12:00-20:00
SamstagSa 12:00-20:00
SonntagSo 12:00-20:00

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