
Burger King

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Noch 1 Branche in Lugano
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Piazza della Riforma ist eine große Attraktion für Touristen, die nach langen Spaziergängen in dieses Fast Food zum Essen gehen.

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Came in to Lugano, not to spend too much time here, but just to walk around and get some cool pictures and leave. Although the landscape was beautiful, this Burger King was not. I was extremely disappointed in how rude the employees were to the customers. The food was what I expected it to be, but the experience was way below par. I even witnessed an employee kick someone out of the bathroom that really needed to go just so that they could clean it; completely ignoring the fact that someone may have an accident. Terrible workers and not a good experience.
Foto von Yelp
Foto von Yelp
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Well what was I really expecting coming into a Burger King in Switzerland, maybe better quality? Well was definitely let down, burger was dry and done in a very ill looking way. Onion rings were dry and hard, definitely not edible. Only surprising and good thing is that they serve beer, other than that is no different than the BK in my hood here in Texas. Oh well at least my kids got their burger fix.
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Foto von Yelp
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Great place  to spend time with friends and eat quality burgers and even if you are vegetarian don't worry you can still have a great time here with your friends while you enjoy a gorgeous veggie burger which tastes delicious. It has a great view on the lake and it gives you a reason to sit down and relax.
Fast Food
Jetzt geöffnet 10:00 - 22:00
€€€ Preisspanne pro Person bis zu CHF 20
Piazza Riforma, 6900
Lugano, Tessin, Schweiz
Piazza Riforma, Lugano, Tessin, Schweiz, 6900
Noch 1 Branche in Lugano
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MontagMo 10:00-22:00
DienstagDi 10:00-22:00
MittwochMi 10:00-22:00
DonnerstagDo 10:00-22:00
FreitagFri 10:00-22:00
SamstagSa 10:00-22:00
SonntagSo 10:00-22:00

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