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Gerichte im Antica Porchetteria Granieri 1916

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as fair. While some find certain dishes a bit pricey, the quality of the ingredients and the taste of the food make it worth it.
  • - these sandwiches are a must-try, especially the classic or magnifico with truffle sauce. They are highly praised for their quality and fair price.
  • - this sandwich is made with pork, apple, nuts, and grapes. It's known for being fresh and delicious.
  • Mixed Platter

    - this platter is perfect for sharing with a group. The portions are large, and it is reasonably priced.
  • Pork and Truffle Sandwich

    - this sandwich is described as brilliant with a unique taste of pork and truffle.
  • Norcino Sandwich

    - this sandwich is made with crunchy bread, good quality pork, pecorino cheese, and a delicious green sauce.
  • Cold Cuts Platter

    - this platter offers great value and a tasty selection of cold cuts.
  • Salad with Roast Pig Sandwich

    - this combination is perfect for a quick meal. It's said to be a great way to pass the time while waiting for a bus.
  • Beer + Sandwich Combo

    - this combo is considered excellent value for money and a great way to enjoy a hearty meal.