
Al forno

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Nach erstaunlichem Galleria Zacchi - la Cornice könnt ihr in dieser Pizza essen. Es ist eine gute Idee, besonders gute Calzones zu bestellen. Die nette Bedienung ist ein weiterer wichtiger Vorteil. Al forno bietet euch erschwinglich Preise für leckere Mahlzeiten. Aber viele Google-Benutzer haben diesem Ort keine besonders gute Bewertung gegeben.

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Found closed for holidays not reported.
Elisa Amadori Entfernen von Inhalten anfordern
Poor quality, high prices and rudeness. I come out with my dog, asking to order some focaccia. The lady replies saying that dogs are not allowed in and practically chases me away without allowing me to buy anything. I'm so shocked!
vor 10 Monate
Madam, on the door I have displayed the sign that dogs cannot enter and not by my choice but by Italian law since I have displayed food products in the baskets on the floor, second if you didn't enter through the door how could you know …Madam, on the door I have displayed the sign that dogs cannot enter and not by my choice but by Italian law since I have displayed food products in the baskets on the floor, second if you didn't enter through the door how could you know that the products are of poor quality quality? Third, your long-haired dog is not a small one and at that time there were six/seven people in the shop (perhaps 15m2), including three children and she was not wearing a muzzle. For the rudeness it was enough to wait a minute outside and my husband next to her would have helped her. Given the high prices, I don't know if 3.5 euros or 5 euros are too much or exaggerated for her!!!!!! Good dayMore
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Marek Entfernen von Inhalten anfordern
Very nice service, you can pay by card. Prices higher, due to the location.
GeschlossenÖffnet um 10:00
€€ Preisspanne pro Person €9 - €23
Al forno auf Karte
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Via Generale Achille Papa, 38
Desenzano del Garda, Lombardei, Italien
Via Generale Achille Papa, 38, Desenzano del Garda, Lombardei, Italien
Kreditkarten akzeptiert Keine Lieferung
MontagMo 10:00-20:00
DienstagDi 10:00-20:00
MittwochMi 10:00-20:00
DonnerstagDo 10:00-20:00
FreitagFri 10:00-20:00
SamstagSa 10:00-20:00
SonntagSo 10:00-20:00

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