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Gerichte im Restaurant Wagenknecht

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is generally rated as very good.
  • Pike Perch with Side Dishes

    - freshly and deliciously prepared, this dish has been praised for its taste.
  • Cake

    - the cake was mentioned as being very tasty.
  • - described as the best some customers have ever had, this soup is a must-try.
  • Matjes (Herring)

    - a main dish that was fresh and well-seasoned.
  • Brathering (Fried Herring)

    - another fish main dish that received positive reviews.
  • Fresh Waffles

    - perfect treat after an extensive bike tour, these waffles are highly recommended.
  • Fish Sticks

    - a hit among children, they were noted for being freshly prepared.
  • Shrimp

    - paired with the fish soup, this combination was described as super delicious.
  • Seasonal Dishes

    - the restaurant offers a beautiful seasonal menu that is worth exploring.
  • Desserts

    - while not specified, the desserts were mentioned as not to be missed.
  • Regional Aperitifs

    - the restaurant also offers regional aperitifs that have been appreciated by visitors.
  • Wine Selection

    - though small, the wine selection is good and complements the meals.

Gerichte und Getränke in Restaurant Wagenknecht


abendessen mittagessen sitzplätze im Freien hochzeit




kaffee bitter