The Sandwich Shop

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Dieses Cafe ist stolz auf perfekt zubereitene Sandwiches. Etliche Leute sagen, dass das Personal hier großartig ist. Wenn ihr eine schnelle Bedienung genießen wollt, solltet ihr The Sandwich Shop besuchen. Basierend auf dem Feedback von Gästen auf Google hat dieser Ort 4.4 Punkte erhalten.

Ratings von The Sandwich Shop

Meinungen der Gäste von The Sandwich Shop

/ 22
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As always the sandwiches are delicious. But what disappointed me was when I phoned Sandwich Shop at Mossel Bay I was given an amount to be paid, but when the delivery guy showed up, the total amount was more Tthan what I was told. This is not right. The personel must give the correct amount in the first place. What if I did not have enough money on me? Not ordering here again.
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Best service. Absolutely delicious and juicy pine and cheese burger with bacon (extra). All in all, great experience Service: Take out Meal type: Lunch Price per person: R 1–50
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A special thank you to The Sandwich Shop Mossel Bay! Thank you for your swift and excellent service. Thank you for your on time delivery and easy payment option. All the platters were awesome and especially the sweet platters - delicious.
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Zum Restaurant navigieren
Cnr Marsh and, Louis Fourie Rd
Mossel Bay, Westkap, Südafrika
Cnr Marsh and, Louis Fourie Rd, Mossel Bay, Westkap, Südafrika
Kreditkarten akzeptiert Wegbringen Barrierefrei
MontagMo 08:00-17:00
DienstagDi 08:00-17:00
MittwochMi 08:00-17:00
DonnerstagDo 08:00-17:00
FreitagFri 08:00-17:00
SamstagSa 08:00-17:00
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