Studio 80 Speisekarte

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Gerichte im Studio 80

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
It is important to note that while the food and drinks at this restaurant are generally considered to be of high quality, several reviewers noted that the prices are quite high. As such, the price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally seen as fair to high.
  • - despite one negative review, the overall quality of food at this restaurant suggests it might be worth trying this dish.
  • Shrimps Fajitas

    - similar to the Shrimps Pasta, this dish received a negative review but might still be worth trying given the restaurant's reputation for high-quality food.
  • Vegetarian Options

    - these were praised for their quality and variety, making them a great choice for vegetarian diners.
  • - there was a mixed review about the pizza, it might be worth trying to form your own opinion.
  • Fish Dish

    - although the price was criticized, the quality of the fish dish seems to be good.
  • Coffee from Costa

    - the coffee was highly praised, making it a must-try for coffee lovers.