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Gerichte im Bacaro e Trattoria da Fiore

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The restaurant has mixed reviews regarding its price/quality ratio. While some customers found the prices reasonable and well-priced for the quality of food and service, others thought the prices were high for what they received. Some dishes were considered expensive for the amount served.
  • Bacaro snacks

    - these are typical Venetian snacks that received high praise from multiple visitors.
  • Grilled Calamari

    - a wonderful seafood dish that was highly recommended by a customer.
  • Fried Artichoke Hearts

    - another seafood dish that was described as delicious.
  • - these were part of the seafood selection that was greatly appreciated.
  • - exceptional according to one visitor.
  • - mentioned multiple times as being wonderful and one of the best in Venice.
  • Creamed Cod

    - a must-try Venetian delicacy.
  • Cicchetti Veneziani

    - famous Venetian snacks that can only be tasted at the standing table.
  • Spaghetti with Seafood

    - this dish includes mussels, scallops, and shrimp and was enjoyed by a customer's wife.
  • King Scallops

    - served in open shells with Marsala, this dish was described as the best one customer had ever had.
  • Caramelized Pineapple Slices and Milleflorie

    - these desserts were both served with fresh whipped cream and highly recommended.