Café Colombo Speisekarte

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Gerichte im Café Colombo

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Price/Quality: Visitors rate the price/quality ratio as very good, indicating that the food and drinks are worth the cost.
  • - highly recommended by multiple reviews, considered the best in Munich.
  • - praised for its aroma and quality, with options like cappuccino being particularly popular.
  • Creative Sandwiches

    - noted for their originality and taste.
  • Avocado Egg Toast

    - described as outstanding, a must-try for breakfast.
  • Lemon Cake

    - a delightful sweet treat that received positive feedback.
  • Tartelettes

    - part of the wide array of delicious pastries offered.
  • - recognized for their authentic taste, they offer a delightful culinary experience.
  • Cold Cappuccino

    - a refreshing beverage option that has been well-reviewed.