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Gerichte im Brasserie Rozenhoedkaai

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally viewed as good, with many reviews noting good value for money and affordable prices. However, a few reviews indicate dissatisfaction with the price/quality ratio, suggesting that some dishes may be overpriced or of questionable quality.
  • - these are absolutely delicious and probably one of the best slow-cooked meats available at the restaurant.
  • - the mussels are fresh and delicious. They also come in a quick preparation time of around 5-10 minutes.
  • Rabbit with Prunes and Beer Sauce

    - this is a nice dish that stands out among the typical Belgian food served.
  • Flemish Beef Stew

    - multiple reviews mention this as a tasty dish, with one even calling it "to die for".
  • - it's described as very delicious and nourishing when paired with beer.
  • Specialty Dish for Two

    - this dish is noted for its good value for money.
  • Tasting Menu for 2 People

    - it's recommended for its variety and includes very tasty mussels and stews.
  • Local Specialties

    - these dishes come at affordable prices and are highly recommended by patrons.
  • Moules Frits avec une Sauce Crème du Chef

    - this dish is mentioned as being exceptional.
  • - they come highly recommended and are not too expensive.
  • - the place has a lot of types of beer that you can try.