Blue Gin Speisekarte

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Gerichte im Blue Gin

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most of the reviews suggest that the price is reasonable for the quality of food and service provided. However, one review criticized the Sunday brunch, suggesting it did not meet the expected standards.
  • 9 and 10 course tasting menus by Chef Marcel Ravin

    - these menus promise a flawless dining experience with incredibly well balanced flavors and textures.
  • - it is highly recommended by a previous diner who devoured it.
  • Spicy Monkey cocktail

    - this cocktail is made with Monkey 47 Gin, exotic juice, passionfruit coulis, vanilla syrup and chilli. The review suggests it's worth trying.
  • Amuse bouche with foie gras and caviar

    - these are described as very delicate and excellent starters.
  • Eel risotto and seabass

    - they were praised for being fantastically cooked, mellow and flavored.
  • Monte Carlo truffle eggs with Maracuja

    - part of the unique menu, these were highly recommended.
  • Lamb with black garlic

    - this dish was part of the praised tasting menu and described as part of a "poem" of courses.

Gerichte und Getränke in Blue Gin


guter Service abendessen schöne Aussicht schöner ort romantische Atmosphäre hochzeit geburtstagsfeier mittagessen jahrestag freundliches Personal sitzplätze im Freien weinkarte geschäftstreffen frühstück brunch


parfait che eis souffle obstkuchen kuchen sorbet pfannkuchen crepes mangosorbet petit Gâteau choux gebäck maccaronen


wein gin likör kräuterlikör schokolade kaffee sherry michelada rum sherry whiskey champagner


dukkah youtiao puto fleisch käse hackepeter gänseleber spaghetti trüffel pasta geflügel amerikanisches Filet kacamak kaviar kuchen tagliatelle brühe lamm sardine gebratener Mais bentō mote spaghetti Carbonara tintenfisch rollen gnocchi tischservice suppe amuse-Bouches tartar antipasti filetsteak burrata barbajuan wachtel meeresfrüchtesuppe ente gat tofu volaille laing steaks fisch meeresfrüchte lachs branzino tintenfische schnecken krabben ravioli hähnchen